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Re: ZS Damper Oil Leak

To: Bud Rolofson <>
Subject: Re: ZS Damper Oil Leak
From: scott suhring <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 22:26:32 -0400
Organization: InfiNet
References: <>

Thanks so much for the advice. I just so happened to finish the
job before coming upstairs to check the list.

Your description is perfect. I used a 1/4" steel rod to tap out
the adjusting screw and clip, replaced the hardened, old "o" ring
and reinserted by reversing the process from the top of the shaft.
All went well and no more leak.

Thanks again.

Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
'70 TR6

Bud Rolofson wrote:
> Scott
> You CAN remove the o-ring, adjusting screw and the star clip fairly easily.
> Take the needle out of the air piston and get a nice smooth punch (don't use a
> drill bit or you may scar the sides of the piston).  The punch, or a metal rod
> if you have it, should be close to the size of the hole but doesn't have to be
> perfect.  If the punch is tapered make sure enough of the punch will push the
> stuff out the top of the piston without getting stuck in the hole.  Put the
> punch in the air piston and rap the punch on your bench.  It takes a little
> force but not to worry it will come out, just get a little more aggressive 
> your raps.  The fun part is getting the star clip back in and flat, but that 
> just a matter of messing with it until it's straight and snug against the
> adjusting screw.
> Good Luck
> Bud
> 71TR6 CC57365
> 71TR6 CC65446
> TR4A CTC57806

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