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Re: GT6+ final drive question...speed/RPM

To: "Shapiro - Kenneth J." <>,
Subject: Re: GT6+ final drive question...speed/RPM
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 11:55:55 -0400

To the two Kens who posted a few days ago:

I also had the problems of a speedo reading too high and the tach too high on my
GT-6 Mk3.  I have been sitting on the sidelines the past few days waiting for
someone more authorative to answer - my memory is a bit fuzzy on the resolution.
First the easy one to diagnose, the tach.  My tach was reading 5000 at a true
3500 rpm.  I replaced the tach and the problem was resolved (until the tach
seized and sheared the teeth off of the tach drive gear on the distributor).  I
have been tachless for several years - anyone have a distributor core for sale,
GT-6 or TR-6  that has a good tach drive gear?

With regard to the speedo issue, from memory (dangerous thing) the speedo is
specific to the rear end ratio.  My car was a nonOD and also had a 3.89 rear end
ratio when I bought it and the speedo was off by about 20%.   I installed an OD
trans and the problem persisted.  After the diff blew apart I replaced it with a
3.22 (I wanted the OD to drop the revs at cruising and not to give me a tighter
ratio final drive - how Triumph built the GT-6) and now my speedo reads 2 mph
less than my wife's Saturn at 40 and at 60 mph.  Suggest looking for a speedo
from an OD car (or change the diff ratio).

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