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RE: Why is emory cloth bad? and my 2p

To: "Arthur H. Smith" <>, triumphs <>
Subject: RE: Why is emory cloth bad? and my 2p
From: "John E. Allen" <JALLEN/0001060003@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:58:42 -0400 (EDT)
A bit of folklore on the suject:

My Dad who built racing engines in the 40's/50's had a small Arkansa extra
fine stone in a little leather holder (which I now have) that he used to
polish points, even brand new ones. He said the points had to be mirror
smooth with no scratch or file lines to get a clean break,so that you would
not get "ragged firing through the coil", and no metal transfer from one
side of the points to the other. As I recall, one side would get a "pit"
while the a small growth. He would never allow a metal file or paper to be

He also put a drop of "Neatsfoot Oil" the stuff you put on leather on the
points and swore that it kept down corrosion. Of course, was doing this
every weekend before races, so who knows!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur H. Smith 
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 7:23 AM
To: triumphs
Subject: Re: Why is emory cloth bad? and my 2p

Message text written by
The tiny pieces of grit from emory cloth or sandpaper tends to become
in the contact material, and disrupts the pattern of spark when the
contacts are
closing or opening, leading to premature burning of the contact.<

since the bits can transfer from the paper to the cantacts think about the 
gritty bits that don't become imbeded but fall into the mechanism...   grit
causes wear...

The arthur    >;-} :4 O:-)8<
kit car aka 69 GT6
82 XJ6  Jaguar
boxy thing on wheels aka ford aerostar

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