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Re: VTR Convention, or is it camping?

To: Egil Kvaleberg <>
Subject: Re: VTR Convention, or is it camping?
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 08:40:38 -0400 (EDT)
On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, Egil Kvaleberg wrote:

> [1] For our American listeners, I should hasten to explain that camping
> is a pastime enjoyed by some inhabitants of the old world, where the act
> of sleeping does not involve Holiday Inn[2], but instead lying on the grass
> with a thin piece of suspended cloth separating you from the world outside
> (aka. tent), and eating does not involve Danny's Diner....

Egil, c'mon now. We Americans know what REAL camping is all about. Ask 
any AIRSTREAM trailer or Winnebago motorhome owner; they'll tell you. 
Although real, traditional campers shun such nonsense for the simpler 
ways, such as a restored '66 VW Bus with genuine Westfalia camper 


--Andy, looking for a Standard or Triumph Atlas Van so I can go camping, too!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register <>    *
*                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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