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Ignition lamp... again.

To: Triumph List <>
Subject: Ignition lamp... again.
From: "Donald L. Gilbert, Jr." <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 22:29:14 -0400
Organization: Infinite Effects Web Page Design
Hello again.  I have been toying with the ignition light some more and
here is what has happened.

Unhooked all wires going to the alternator.  Lamp goes out.
Plug connector (with 3 wires) back in, lamp comes on.

Turn key to ON position, lamp goes off.
Start car, lamp stays off.  Voltmeter shows a hair over 12 volts.
Turn car off.... turn key on... voltmeter shows a hair over 11 volts
(engine not running)
Turn key off, ignition lamp comes back on.

Now... the lamp does not stay on solid.  It looks as if it gets dim and
then bright again.  Almost like it is trying to go out, but can't.

Please help.  I hate unhooking my battery every time.


Donald L. Gilbert, Jr.
Webmaster, Infinite Effects Web Page Creation for Custom Web Page Design

1968 Jeep J-3000 Gladiator
1987 Shelby Charger
Ligonier, Pennsylvania
Currently working in Virginia

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