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Re: TR3 mystery bolts

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: TR3 mystery bolts
From: George Hahn <>
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 14:42:06 -0700
References: <>
wallace wrote:
> My TR3a has four bolts on the (North American) passenger's side firewall, 
>about a foot up from the floor in a nice square pattern. They seem to be doing 
>nothing at all, and I'm curious what they're for.
> Anyone got an idea?

Wellsir, that is a curious mystery.  On close examination perhaps not
truly square... more a horizontal rectangle, about 2" x 3.5" with the
bolts going into captive nuts that can be seen inside the right front
wheel well.  No corresponding bolts, holes or mounted device on the
drivers side.

Maybe it is for a bracket for the accelerator pedal/throttle linkage for
RHD?  Since the pedals are in the same order for either LHD or RHD
(clutch on the left, accelerator on the right) it would be a long reach
for the throttle linkage to where it goes thru the firewall on a RHD and
a bracket may have been required?

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A

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