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Radio suppression

To: <>
Subject: Radio suppression
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 20:16:46 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumphs List" <>
Brian Sanborn wrote:
I installed a new radio in the TR4.  One of those 70's retro ones from
Kenwood.  The reception and sound is perfect with engine not running. Some
noises start coming at idle but when the engine is revved to normal
level the radio signal is overcome by ignition noise. I have changed to
negative ground.  And the ignition wires are as they werewhen I bought the
car last year... but they show no sign of wear.... and they look very period
with orange-red rubber boots on the plugs.
I am using the NGK BP6ES plugs which I am guessing are not resistor type
plugs.  What do I have to do to get the noise out.

Seems like you don't have a suppressor on the coil. They must still be
around and any halfway decent car audio shop should have a box of them
lurking somewhere. What I've got is a 0.5 microfarad suppressor sandwiched
in place by the coil mounting plate where it bolts to the engine block. The
one lead coming off the suppressor is clipped to the negative terminal on
the coil. It's possible you may also be getting interference from the dynamo
if that's what you have? This was certainly a problem in days of yore and
suppressors were fitted to the dynamo and coil at the same time as a matter
of course. Problem solved - for me, anyway


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