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Re[2]: Carb rebuilding

To: "" <>, "Jeff Nathanson" <>
Subject: Re[2]: Carb rebuilding
From: "Ross Vincenti" <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999 9:25 -0800
Cc: "" <>
Jeff wrote:
     In my opinion, I'd recommend to do the job yourself! Why pay 
     over $300 when all you really need is the Z-S manual, a rebuild 
     kit (about $30) and the will to learn about carburation?
     I don't know your situation. That is, whether you are looking for 
     increased performance. But, if you're just a weekend casual driver, 
     then I think you are better off doing it yourself and saving
     the money to buy some nice alloy wheels!
     Jeff Nathanson
     '72 TR6
     I agree.  There's really very little mystery to carb rebuilding, IF the 
     carb has not been trashed or beat up, etc.  If it's just tired, do it 
     yourself, save money and learn something new.  There are good books that 
     show every step.  If things like throttle shafts need rebushing, send that 
     out, but do the rest yourself.  Only takes a couple of hours.  I rebuilt 
     several carbs on the dining room table before my wife kicked me out into 
     the garage.
     Ross Vincenti
     Temporarily Triumphless
At 11:00 AM 7/2/99 -0500, you wrote: 
>To the list:
>Will need to have the carbs (ZS 175) rebuilt soon for my 76 TR6.  Any 
>comments on quality of either Apple Hydralics or C.A.R. (done through TRF)? 
>Not looking to start a bashing of either one, just owners experiences with 
>either company.
>'76 TR6 CF57005U
Jeff Nathanson
Director of Product Development
Manufacturing Systems & Technologies, Inc.

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