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Why we do this

To: <>, "Mhphoto@Pacbell.Net" <>, "Gary F. Pfister" <>, <>
Subject: Why we do this
From: (Gano, Ken)
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 00:15:27 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal

After what was one of those one or two days per year when central Illinois
is pure heaven (low 70's, no humidity, blue skies, light breeze) I spent 7
hours in the garage with the TR3 from hell.

Five items I thought were on taken apart again, three previous screw ups
fixed and replaced, one figured out but not yet replaced and one more new
broken this time around.  I guess you can call it progress.  Any bets on
whether I live long enough to see this project through?

Last years goal (Oakwood) is beginning to look unattainable, maybe Champaign
next spring.

Ken Gano
"don't torque that down just yet"

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