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Re: Welding Inner Rockers

To: "David Sterrett (SA)" <Sterrett@ShenandoahAutomation.Com>
Subject: Re: Welding Inner Rockers
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 11:11:03 -0400
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <4.1.19990629092623.00938b40@ShenandoahAutomation.Com>
When I did my TR3, I used plug welds. I also have A Lincoln WeldPack 100 with
the gas kit.

I didn't use any weldable primer, I just painted the rockers inside and out
before welding them in. I drilled holes for the plug welds and assume the paint
burned off inside the rockers when I welded them.

I also used the 3M brushable seam sealer.

David Sterrett (SA) wrote:

> Kind Folk of the Triumph List,
> I am getting ready to weld new inner rocker panels in my TR-6 and was
> wondering whether other folks out there who had
> done this had:
> 1. Used tack welding or plug welding?  (I have a Lincoln WelPak 100 MIG)
> 2. Had treated the bare metal areas that are ground down in preperation for
> welding?
>     Yesterday I bought a 3M Product (Weldable Primer) from a local auto
> body supply house but was wondering if anybody had
>     used any other products that they knew lasted well.
> 3. Used a seam sealer.  (3M makes a brushable kind I purchased. Certainly a
> reputable company.)
> If anyone has done this and has any thoughts or comments on the process, it
> would be much appreciated.
> As always, many thanks in advance.
> Dave Sterrett
> 69 TR-6 (3/4 Assembled)

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