First off, thanks to everyone who's provided answers and suggestions
regarding my cam replacement. Based on input from several people, I went
ahead and had 0.140" shaved off the head, bringing the compression up
My present question relates to valve timing. I've reassembled everything
(reground S2 cam, new lifters, original timing gears and chain) using the
factory timing marks. I then carried out the procedure in the workshop
manual for checking the valve timing:
- After setting clearance on all valves, back off #11 and #12 rockers to
- set cylinders #1 and #6 at TDC, #1 firing.
- check that #11 and #12 exhibit the same clearance
So far, it seems that the third condition does not hold. In order to get
them the same, I have to rotate the camshaft about 20 degrees.
Questions: Am I interpreting the workshop manual procedure correctly? Is
it applicable to my non-stock cam? Should I forget the factory timing
marks and make my own based on the "equal clearance on valves 11 and 12
with cylinder #1 at TDC?"
Ted Stevens
74 TR6 Gaithersburg, MD