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Re: Spreadsheet

To: Tony Rhodes <>,
Subject: Re: Spreadsheet
From: Jerry Oliver <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:06:40 -0700
Organization: @Home Network
References: <>
Tony...Could you explain your reasoning on how you determined your car
needed 7.70 degrees? Jerry.

Tony Rhodes wrote:
> Here is the spread sheet.  3U means three notches up, 3D means 3 notches down.
> This is based on the data presented many months ago by someone on the list.
> I went through his math and tried to make sense of it.  I based my numbers
> on his data, but in rationalizing it, I came up with some slightly different
> numbers.  These cambers are RELATIVE.  He picked one end as ZERO (I
> presume maximum NEGATIVE camber) and worked out from there.  This was not
> tested in a car by him, but was based on measurements of the hole locations
> in the brackets and then he applied trigonometery to make the calculations.
> You can use it as a basis of comparison.
> For instance, My car has 2U outer and 1U inner and has maybe 3 degrees
> excess negative camber.  2U/1U corresponds to 3.70 degrees, therefore I
> want about the brackets that would give 7.70 in the chart.  This would be
> 2U/3D (7.5) or maybe 3U/1U (8.2)(I think this is the bracket arrangement of 
> The row/column of "base" is the number of degrees contributed by each
> bracket.  Note they are not symmetrical.  I expected them to be.  I need
> to get the bracket measurements and do the math myself.
>         INNER   3U      2D      1U      1D      2U      3D
> OUTER   base    0.00    0.98    2.20    3.58    4.50    6.00
> 3U      6.00    6.00    6.98    8.20    9.58    10.50   12.00
> 2D      5.02    5.02    6.00    7.22    8.60    9.51    11.02
> 1U      3.80    3.80    4.78    6.00    7.38    8.30    9.80
> 1D      2.42    2.42    3.40    4.62    6.00    6.92    8.42
> 2U      1.50    1.50    2.48    3.70    5.08    6.00    7.50
> 3D      -0.00   -0.00   0.98    2.20    3.58    4.49    6.00
> -Tony

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