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Re: TR7 viewing

To: "Peggy Bohler" <>, <>
Subject: Re: TR7 viewing
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 22:06:04 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
I've been chased by many a bovine in my time - even the heifers are scary
when they are breathing down your neck!

-----Original Message-----
From: Peggy Bohler <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 5:28 PM
Subject: TR7 viewing

>Ok, Michael, you asked for it <G>
>>Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 20:10:21 -0700
>>Subject: TR7 viewing
>>Went to see the TR7 -- it is in a field with sheep to keep it company.
>>It is BRG 1978 sunroof.  Needs a paint job.   And of course I want it.
>Need to see how much the back registration fees and penalties are going to
>add up to before I call a tow truck.  Could let my husband check it out
>first, but ........... nahhhhhhh!
>>Our oldest daughter and her 18 month old daughter (darling grandchild)
>went with me to look at the TR7 -- we went through the gate - looked the
>car over for rust - kicked the rocker panels, you know, all that stuff.
>Popped the hood and we were looking around in there for anything
>"outstanding" - when my daughter said
>"MO--OM!!  There's a cow, you didn't tell me there were cows in here!"  So
>I looked -- it was BIG -- and I said to her, is it a cow or a bull?  Then
>she was really scared - not for herself, but because she was toting the
>kidlet -- she said she didn't know which it was, and she started walking
>away -- AWAY from the gate, yet!  So I told her which route to take to get
>to the gate while I closed up the car doors and hood and kept an eye on the
>bovine -- then I saw it better and it was a male -- so I said "it is a
>bull."    Boy, did she get out the gate then!!  I went up to the house to
>tell the lady we were leaving and that I had latched the gate and told her
>about the close encounter with the bovine kind and she said "Oh, the steer.
> He'll butt you in the behind to say hello."   Oh, yeah!  Great!  If he had
>nudged one of us in the rear we would have flown over the fence and to heck
>with the gate, or needed to change our jeans.  We are still laughing about
>it though.  We had fun.
>>OK - in with the paperwork that was in the trunk was a receipt for a part
>(what a surprise?)
>>Anyway - it has a saying on it
>>Happy Motoring.

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