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TR7 viewing

Subject: TR7 viewing
From: Peggy Bohler <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 15:28:53 -0700

Ok, Michael, you asked for it <G>

>Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 20:10:21 -0700
>Subject: TR7 viewing 

>Went to see the TR7 -- it is in a field with sheep to keep it company.  
>It is BRG 1978 sunroof.  Needs a paint job.   And of course I want it.
Need to see how much the back registration fees and penalties are going to
add up to before I call a tow truck.  Could let my husband check it out
first, but ........... nahhhhhhh!
>Our oldest daughter and her 18 month old daughter (darling grandchild)
went with me to look at the TR7 -- we went through the gate - looked the
car over for rust - kicked the rocker panels, you know, all that stuff.
Popped the hood and we were looking around in there for anything
"outstanding" - when my daughter said 
"MO--OM!!  There's a cow, you didn't tell me there were cows in here!"  So
I looked -- it was BIG -- and I said to her, is it a cow or a bull?  Then
she was really scared - not for herself, but because she was toting the
kidlet -- she said she didn't know which it was, and she started walking
away -- AWAY from the gate, yet!  So I told her which route to take to get
to the gate while I closed up the car doors and hood and kept an eye on the
bovine -- then I saw it better and it was a male -- so I said "it is a
bull."    Boy, did she get out the gate then!!  I went up to the house to
tell the lady we were leaving and that I had latched the gate and told her
about the close encounter with the bovine kind and she said "Oh, the steer.
 He'll butt you in the behind to say hello."   Oh, yeah!  Great!  If he had
nudged one of us in the rear we would have flown over the fence and to heck
with the gate, or needed to change our jeans.  We are still laughing about
it though.  We had fun.  
>OK - in with the paperwork that was in the trunk was a receipt for a part
(what a surprise?)  
>Anyway - it has a saying on it
>Happy Motoring.

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