Hi Tom,
Welcome to the list and TR ownership!
While lurking you may have noticed this is a pretty opinionated group,
but they have a collective wealth of knowledge that I sure could have
used the first time I restored a TR approx. 25 years ago. Everyone seems
to enjoy their cars and helping each other keep em on the road. Oh, we
see an occasional sidetrack down some interesting threads, but what the
I gotta be honest, back in 1980 or so I didn't care much for the TR7/8
stlying. But, our club locally has a couple good examples and a couple
showed up at our "fun-course" last week... the styling has really grown
on me through the years and now I really would enjoy owning a "modern"
TR if I had a bit more garage space! I guess the TR7/8 was a bit ahead
of it's time, and I'm a bit behind. Wouldn't know that to look at what I
drive, would you? ;-)
Again, welcome & enjoy.
Alan Myers
San Jose, Calif.
'62 TR4 CT17602L (one car, in pieces, occupying all of a two car garage,
a storage shed and part of a bedroom)
Fox, Thomas wrote:
> Hello everyone, just wanted to drop a quick note to
> introduce myself.
> I just purchased a 1979 Triumph TR7
wanted to introduce myself
> now that I'm an "official" owner.
> Tom Fox
> 1979 TR7