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GT6 stuff

To: "triumphs" <>
Subject: GT6 stuff
From: Blofed <>
Date: 06 Jun 99 19:16:25 -0800
One of my mechanics lent me his copy of a Stanpart first edition spare parts 
catalogue for the GT6.  Upon where I made a duplicate for future reference. : ) 
 Just thought it was cool and had to share.  He has lots of others too, TR250, 
Spitfire, etc. .

My shift linkage seems to have a bit more play than I would like.  I had to 
take off the cap and a dished washer so I could get it int to 2nd and 5th gears 
easily.  I've ordered up a shift lever kit to replace all the buggered-up parts 
on the shift lever.  Anybody have any ideas what else could be done?  There's 
no grinding, no unusual noises, and it doesn't pop out of any gear.

Douglas Aiken

 Complicated by design.®

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