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Re: TR3A - "Freeze Plug" in my Head!!

Subject: Re: TR3A - "Freeze Plug" in my Head!!
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 00:06:55 EDT
Hi Wayne,
I've been wonderin' what you've been up to and how you're progressing.
Freeze plugs ( at least the ones I've replaced in my 'B') are usually 
installed with the convex side out. Clean the counterbore of any rust and 
crud to ensure a good seat and place the freeze plug in position. Make sure 
the plug is seated all the way, then take a drift ( I used an oak dowel to 
keep from dinging the plug) and tap the center of the plug (perpendicular to 
the plug face) until the plug has a slight concave shape. This action will 
expand the plug and seat it against the counterbore in the block. No sealant 
is necessary.
Good luck
Bob Stahlbush  

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