George Richardson wrote:
>. [snip] Having a pit and lift in my garage as well as all the records I
invited the would be purchaser to come for a better look, he showed-up with a
1/2 A@#$% very > unknowledgeable so called mechanic and they "informed" me they
would be > taking the car for the day to put it through all their own check-up.
Well > my driveway is about 60 feet long so I walked them down it and pointed >
my finger up the road and told them please don't come back.<
Sounds to me like they were looking for a FREE parts car. or a FREE
ride around town and if they crash it tuff s**t to you. you did the
right thing. George sure >The only way to evaluate a car is to drive
it. It's not unreasonable to bring a long a mechanic if you feel you
need one either.but with the owner not by the possible buyer alone or
with a friend. UNLESS you hope they steal it.............
Not to flog this horse much longer, but just an FYI to everyone about
used car "test drives"... One of my neighbors was selling his tricked
out Ford Bronco and listed it in the paper (beautiful truck if you are
into that kind of thing). Anyways, two guys show up and profess to be
very interested, blah, blah, blah and can one of them drive it WITH MY
NEIGHBOR IN THE PASSENGER SEAT? My neighbor says, "sure", so one of
them gets in with my neighbor and off they go. The second guy gets in
the car they came in and takes off. When they got to a secluded area
guess what? Yup, the first guy driving the Bronco pulls a gun, tells
my neighbor to get the hell out, and then drives off leaving my
neighbor a good mile or so from help. By the time my neighbor gets to
a phone, the bad guys are long gone.
So, not to state the obvious, but be careful.
Ross Vincenti
triumph-less for the moment