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Re: Off topic - Saturday night Brit Coms

To: "Gano, Ken" <>, "Triumphs mailing list" <>, "Gary F. Pfister" <>, "James T. Carlet" <>, "Mark Keehan" <>, "Paul Stilp" <>, "Richard J. Nekola" <>, "Robert Burger" <>, "Ron J. Thompson" <>, "Tom Johnson" <>
Subject: Re: Off topic - Saturday night Brit Coms
From: "David Hill" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 23:32:46 -0000

-----Original Message-----
From: Gano, Ken <>
To: Triumphs mailing list <>; Gary F. Pfister
<>; James T. Carlet <>; Mark Keehan
<>; Paul Stilp <>; Richard J. Nekola
<>; Robert Burger <>; Ron J. Thompson
<>; Tom Johnson <>
Date: 28 February 1999 04:50
Subject: Off topic - Saturday night Brit Coms

>Hi, Ken

I can't recall having heard Rowan Atkinson use this terminology but the
Dwarfers are famed for it.

The derivations are.....

Smeg head = Idiot, halfwit, jerk, etc.
Smegging= blasted, cursed, damned, bloody-as in 'Smegging Hell'.
Smeg= damn, blast, hell, god, etc,-as in 'Oh Smeg'

You may not want to know the root when you find out what it is but you did

Main Entry: smeg·ma
Pronunciation: 'smeg-m&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, detergent, soap, from Greek smEgma, from
smEchein to wash off, clean
Date: circa 1819
: the secretion of a sebaceous gland; specifically : the cheesy sebaceous
matter that collects between the glans penis and the foreskin or around the
clitoris and labia minora.

Even in a stage interview, when asked for their explanation of the meaning
of the epithet, the Red Dwarf actors looked embarrasssed and crawled off set
on their knees. Can't really wonder, can you.

Incidentally, Smeg is also a brand name for kitchen goods-Danish I believe.


Dave Hill, UK.

>Since etymology seems to be a recurring theme, can anyone out there venture
>a guess as to the origins of (or define) the British slang "Smage?"  (Sm a
>ee)  I have heard Rowan Atkinson and the characters in Red Dwarf use it to
>indicate an idiot or fool, but the intonations seem to say more, like "a
>damned fool."  I have also heard it used as an active pronoun, like "you
>schmegging idiot."  I take it is that it is one of those words (phrases?)
>that is emerging from profanity towards acceptance.  What exactly is a
>"Smage" (Sc Z Maag) or Smegging (S m hee n ing)?
>Just curious.
>Ken Gano
>'59 TR3A TS57756 L
>'58 TR10

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