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Re: Ammeter resistance

Subject: Re: Ammeter resistance
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 12:47:35 -0800
References: <>
Ok, I'll post 'em on the list, when I get them.
Anyone in SoCal want to loan me ammeters for a late TR3/4/250/6 ?  I'll come to
you, within a reasonable distance of Long Beach.

Randall wrote:

> In a message dated 2/28/99 2:01:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > I'm sure I'll find a local TR6 ammeter, but I probably won't have the chance
> > to
> >  ask until next month's club meeting, and probably won't get the unit until
> > the
> >  meeting after that, on April 28.
> >
> >  I assume this means you still want to know the internal resistance of a TR6
> >  ammeter ?
> Randall,
> I don't for myself, as I have replaced the ammeter with voltmeters in both of
> my cars, but I'm sure there are others on here that are replacing their
> alternators with GM units that would like to know.
> If you can come up with the numbers, I'll post it.
> Dan Masters,
> Alcoa, TN
> '71 TR6---------3000mile/year driver, fully restored
> '71 TR6---------undergoing full restoration and Ford 5.0 V8 insertion - see:
> '74 MGBGT---3000mile/year driver, original condition - slated for a V8 soon
> '68 MGBGT---organ donor for the '74

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