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Re: Retractable Seat Belts in TR-4A

Subject: Re: Retractable Seat Belts in TR-4A
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 16:58:19 -0800 (PST)
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999 wrote:

> That is to say, I don't see how it can be mounted on the original hard point
> on top of the fender well.  (unless I am mistaken in my interpretation that 
> it needs vertical orientation).

You would probably place the reel on the vertical bit of metal (inner
fender) that's directly below the hole for the shoulder point- and on top
of the parcel shelf.  Then bolt the retractor thru the wheelwell and use
the great-big-washers that seat belt anchors come with.

Then, the pivot goes up and mounts in the hole provided.

For the floor mountings, you can either use sister hooks (that hook into
the eyes provided by those fellas at Coventry) or bolt the anchors right
to the floor.

I used static (non-retracting) belts in my TR4 because my roll bar
intereferes with the mounting point for the retractor reel.  Also, I like
being nice and snug, especially on the curvy roads around here (too fast:
when all the stuff in the car not fastened down starts jumping around)

> I would appreciate any guidance from others who have purchased replacement
> belt units recently.  Did I get the wrong models?  Is there still a model 
>that is
> a closer replacement for the originals?  

I don't think the 4A had retracting belts as original.  TR6s did and the
retractor is where I mentioned (if it's still confusing, RSVP and I'll try
to clarify)

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