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Re: GPS systems

Subject: Re: GPS systems
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 07:21:36 -0800
Rick Steig wrote:
>POTSDAM, Germany (AP) A German couple out for a Christmas drive ended up in
>a river, apparently because their luxury BMW
>computer forgot to mention that they had to wait for a ferry.  The
>uninjured couple were driving late Friday nite when they came to a ferry
>crossing at the Havel River in Caputh.  That information was never stored
>in the GPS-based navigation system which comes as an option in their new
>car.  The driver kept going straight in the dark, expecting a bridge, and
>ended up in the river.
>(quoted in an article on "judgement" in GeoInfo Systems Magazine's February

That's progress!!

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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