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Tonite's Triumph selections

To: <>
Subject: Tonite's Triumph selections
From: "Henry A. Morrison" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 17:05:50 -0700
Cc: <>
Good evening

Tonite's menu features a couple of items that have been festering around the
kitchen just a little too long..............

TR4 flat Speedo.....................$30
TR4 flat Tach...........................$30
TR4 oil guage...........................$20
TR4 amp guage.......................$20
TR4 Headlight ring..(Just needs polishing)............$10
Headlight Buckets..................................$5/ea.
Ash Tray Holder.....................................$5
TR3 Transmission non o/d..................$150

All items are quoted f.o.b. my garage in Cedar Crest, NM .........all
proceeds will be donated to the "Get this guy a Waterpump" fund.

None to the "Guiness Fund for the Mechanically Astute"

Cheers Henry

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