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Re: Stator tube wire removal HELP!!!

Subject: Re: Stator tube wire removal HELP!!!
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 21:23:31 -0500
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <>
Try spraying load of silicone lube down into the shaft. Then let it sit for a
day. I mean *really* fill it up. This not only worked for me for removing the
wires, it's an old tried and true method for pulling wires through spots like

Years back (don't ask how many) I used this technique assembling aircraft cables
for the US military.

George Richardson
The Wyvern -'57 TR3, TS15559L wrote:

> I picked up a used stator tube with the wires still inside.  The lower end
> wires had dry and broken insulation so they needed to be removed.
> I attempted to pull the wire out and only succeeded in breaking them off.
> Then I tried to pull from the upper end and broke some off the length off.  I
> then attempted to twist the upper end and broke little more off.  I've tried
> heating with a torch to no avail.  Now I am down to about 2 inches of wire
> sticking out and need more options.  Does anyone have a suggestion???
> If I'm unable to remove the wire, I'll get some tubing and use the existing
> stator as a template to make another stator tube.
> Thanks in advance,
> GAry Bouffard
> TS 58399 59 TR3A

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