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RE: Continuing saga of '78 Spit Brake System Re-build

To: "Michael L. Coop" <>
Subject: RE: Continuing saga of '78 Spit Brake System Re-build
From: "Bill Miller" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 20:20:59 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumphs" <>
Importance: Normal


I purchased a brand new (rebuilt) master cylinder for my 78 spit from
CarQuest a few months ago.
Its also lifetime guaranteed (IF they have them later when you need them) It
was about $175.00  Still expensive, but you can rebuild the old one at your
leisure and have a spare!


-----Original Message-----


Anyway, I'm wondering if any of you have a good source for re-built Master
Cylinders for my '78 Spitfire?   New ones are pretty salty.  (approximately


Any ideas?

Mike Coop
Michael Coop Agency, Inc.

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