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Re: Spark Plug Wires...

Subject: Re: Spark Plug Wires...
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 07:24:43 -0800
Joe Curry wrote:

>Buy the type whose boot slides on the wire.  That way you can pull the
>boot back and grasp the metal connector directly to avoid pulling the
>wire out of the connector.

These boots do slide up the wires, but it does require some cussing and
swearing to them up... Is this the part where I open my mouth and then
insert my foot?

and Malcolm Walker wrote:

>I always try to grab 'em so that you are pulling on the boot AND the
>connector (squeeze the boot where the connector is- might take a bit of
>feeling to find the right spot)

It isn't every day that I pull the wires off the plugs... I could probably
count the times in the last ten years that I've done that on one hand, and
only a few times it's resulted in the connector ripping off.  I DO try to
grip the boot AND the connector when pulling the wires off, but those few
times they've come apart  it's made me angry that as expensive as these
wires were they aren't made any better than that.  Recently I've been
chasing this damned ignition problem on the TR6 (the sputtering!) and
pulled the plugs to inspect them.  That time TWO connectors tore off, but I
did manage to get them put back together.

Thanks for the input, guys... I know it seems like a trivial problem.  I
guess I just needed to know whether everyone has to treat these things with
kid gloves, or if I just paid a lot for what really are CHEAP wires.

I gather that it's the former, so I'll try to be more careful.  Peter
Zaborski did suggest Magnecor wires, though... (Thanks, Peter!!) so I'll
look into that, too.

Thanks again,

Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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