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Re: Going to live in England!

Subject: Re: Going to live in England!
From: richard jackson <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 13:15:37 +0000
Organization: University College Northampton
References: <>
> >    As most of you know, I'm an Engineering Consultant in the Aerospace
> > business and am working down here in Phoenix, Arizona.  The company I'm
> > working for,
> > Allied Signal Engines, has decided to send me to work on site at British
> > Aerospace in Manchester, England.  I will be starting there on February 22nd
> > and will return sometime in late May.
>   Watch out for manchester, it's kinda like detroit up there but without
> the cars..hang on it's exactly like Detroit!

What d'ya mean, without the cars, there's loads of cars!!! All Stolen mind 
ha ha ha

> >    This is a fantastic opportunity, not only career-wise, but also to
> > experience another culture, not to mention the incredible golf!  Granted, 
>  Get ready to struggle and wince at the manc accent, watch out you don't
> stray into Liverpool. The scouse dialect will have you in an asylum
> before you know it!

Either that, or heading for a barber to have a perm done!!! Eh Eh OK OK, calm

> > shipping it
> > for the duration had crossed my mind!  A couple of Brits in my office
> > recommended against the idea.  The thought of having the TR "knicked" (sp)
> > was enough to change my mind.
>  I'm not sure there would be too much threat of the TR being 'nicked',
> swiped,taxed,cadged,ripped-off, or simply stolen. As long as it was
> garaged,alarmed, stop-locked, immobilised and you weren't in Moss side
> or 'Little Ireland' then it might survive! I have relations in
> Warrington and they haven't been murdered in their beds ..yet.

Did they move there from Rhodesia????

> >    My list sign-off date will be Feb 20th, so if you'd like to send me 
> > make it quick!  I'd like to hear anyones thoughts.
>  you are well set up for visiting the lake district and North wales,
> both gorgeous places as long s the weathers good!

Word of warning, if you go to Wales, make it plain that you are NOT English in 
way shape or form, make your American accent as distinguishable as possible, 
coz if
they for one minute assume you might be a pom(or related to one) then you are
likely to end up tied to a holiday home and set on fire!!! :-)

Hmmm, any other nice places that you could visit while your here, how about
Birmingham, you'll never understand that lot!!!! :-)



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