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Going to live in England!

Subject: Going to live in England!
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 23:45:30 EST
Hey Everyone,

   I just wanted to send a note to all of my friends on this list, especially
in the Triumph Club of the Carolinas, The New England Triumphs, the Red River
Triumph Club, and the Desert Centre Triumph Register of America, and the
Vintage Triumph Resistry.

   As most of you know, I'm an Engineering Consultant in the Aerospace
business and am working down here in Phoenix, Arizona.  The company I'm
working for,
Allied Signal Engines, has decided to send me to work on site at British
Aerospace in Manchester, England.  I will be starting there on February 22nd
and will return sometime in late May.

   This is a fantastic opportunity, not only career-wise, but also to
experience another culture, not to mention the incredible golf!  Granted, the
weather is not
the best at this time of the year, but I did play golf in Pennsylvania last
Christmas and it was 27 degrees F when we teed off on number one!

   Anyway, I plan on doing the "tourist" thing on free weekends and if there
any Brits reading this, maybe you could give me some information on any
events with the RAC.  It would be a real kick to get together with them.

   I will be leaving the TR250 here in the states, although the idea of
shipping it
for the duration had crossed my mind!  A couple of Brits in my office
recommended against the idea.  The thought of having the TR "knicked" (sp)
was enough to change my mind.

   My list sign-off date will be Feb 20th, so if you'd like to send me email,
make it quick!  I'd like to hear anyones thoughts.

   One last thing, I have to be honest in writing that it doesn't look like
I'll be going to the VTR in Maine.  I'll see how I feel when I get back.
Maine will be considerably cooler in July than Phoenix!

   Take care and I'll write when I get back!

                                                        Steve & "The Yellow 

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