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Re: TR3 rebuild story Part 2

To: "Joe Curry" <>
Subject: Re: TR3 rebuild story Part 2
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 99 10:47:53 -0800
Cc: "Triumph list" <>
>And this is a "California Car"?  8^)

I have no idea where the car was originally sold but I suspect it may 
possibly be a "Northern California car" not to be confused with Southern 
California or any other section of the South West desert.

The frame and suspension had no rust and the underside of the body was 
rust free.  It looked like all the rust was a result of the car sitting 
out in the rain and being driven out in the rain with bad kick panel 
shield rubber.  If the car sat with a wet interior and boot it would have 
the correct rust pattern that mine had.  Assuming that all the drain 
tubes were plugged up with dirt  which they were when I got the car.  
When I removed the splash panels from behind the front wheels there was 
about 6 inches of wet mud behind them.  The car had been off the road for 
almost 6 months and it was still wet there.

When I got the car it had worn out upholstry that was put over the 
original worn out upholstry.  I strongly suspect the car was used hard 
and lived outside the entire time before the PO purchased it to 
"restore".  The PO had it garaged as a "restoration" project.

Nothing like wet upholstry, carpeting and closed in areas to accelerate 

TeriAnn Wakeman                       The Green Rover, rebuilt and
Santa Cruz, California                and maintained using parts from                  British Pacific 800-554-4133      

Walk in harmony with the earth and all her creatures and you will create 
beauty wherever you go.

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