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Re: VTR '98 Pan-o-rama Shot

Subject: Re: VTR '98 Pan-o-rama Shot
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 12:48:51 -0500

I'm not venting or anything, just relating my experience.

I ordered a panorama shot at VTR. I got a receipt right there when I
ordered it, used my Plasti-card.

I heard nothing from the folks at Cricket, and I had sort of forgotten
about it 'till the comments starting showing up on this list that folks
were receiving their pictures in the mail.

So I called them a few weeks back and it turns out that they have no record
of my having placed an order. That would explain why I don't have the
picture. I went back through my records, and sure enough, the transaction
was never sent in to Plasti-Corp.

I called them again and re-ordered. After some initial confusion at their
end, I gave them the info so they could send me a picture. Last Weds. or so
I get a "tube" in the mailbox. Koool!

Guess what. It was the shot of the 250's. Your TR250 looks great Kevin
Andrews in the upper right! Nice car!

So I called Cricket (again) to square this deal away. The chap that I spoke
with was very helpful, and was determined to set things right. So, I should
be getting another picture from them this week.

They were so nice on the phone, I splurged and spent $1.23 to send the
TR250 picture back to them.

Oh well.

And they kept asking me to FAX info to them... what's up with that? I'm
already on the phone with them and they're asking me to FAX stuff. Huh?

and no Pan-o-Rama shot yet.

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