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Re: Wrote Re: Vitesse

To: richard jackson <>
Subject: Re: Wrote Re: Vitesse
From: "Johnny Storm: International Racing car driver" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 13:15:38 +0000 (GMT)

> Morning,
> > although I will admit that I drove a friend's 84 Ford Cosworth Sierra the
> > other day, and was genuinely impressed with the cars comportment, handling,
> > acceleration and brakes, even the seats and the stereo...the windshield
> > demister was rubbish though...
> Now that IS impressive, you drove a Cosworth Sierra that was built 2 years 
> they were actually launched in '86. :-)

  And presumably not in the wet! What kind of passenger load did you
have?  Ford's intended 2+2 adults or the half dozen mancunian
teenagers?:-) Apparently a lot of them took to the cossie stereo, but
not to the handling!  Don't stand in Dixon's and shout 'COSWORTH

         Johnny Storm '70 Viterald (ex-sierra owner)

> Rich

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