>GT6plus68@aol.com< wants to know a good yet cheap resto shop.
its located at "project central" mark walsh proprietor.
as an owner of a Jag I come in contact with prices that can my dead aunts
toes. you buy a replacement item and put it in your self, divide that
time by 2 and then multiply by 50 to 100 or more and that may give you a
ball park dollar value to have the work done.
like so many others on this list I do 90% of my own work. money and desire
being the reasons. but when talking to one Jag owner about the high cost
someone else paid for a paint job, $6,000.00. He responded "Oh that's
nothing real super concours specials can go as high as $80,000.00 on big
Mark keep most of your money in your pockets. Do the work your self and
with the money you've kept in your pockets "BUY GAS AND DRIVE."
But besides saving the cash you get to know your car better and it can
becomes more of a personal obsession.........
the arthur
kit car (aka 1969 gt6+)
xj6 Jag 82
ford box on wheels