-----Original Message-----
From: George Richardson <gprtech@frontiernet.net>
To: Ronald A. Dowty <rdowty@iso.net>
Cc: Triumphs Mailing List <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Date: 17 January 1999 02:35
Subject: Re: Help Quick!!
Hi, Ronald, George,
Assuming you use an ordinary external mix gun, there's a little trick which
helps gun cleaning. When spraying thinners through the gun to clean it,
place a rag over the paint cap to partially block the air and paint
drillings. This will cause the thinners to bubble in the gun's interna
passages and swill out the insides.
Be careful to avoid blocking the holes too effectively or the thinners might
come out of the cap bleed hole and hit you in the eye.
>When you're done using your gun, you're supposed to put some clean paint
>thinner in the gun and spray with it until the paint in the gun is out.
>you clean the gun, but I've never heard of using soap and water. I use more
>Soap and water isn't going to remove dried paint. You might try soaking it
>"Ronald A. Dowty" wrote:
>> What should I use to clean my paint gun? I am using soap and water now
>> it's not working great and I'm sure there's paint still inside the gun.