It could be that there is a traped air bubble that is not getting flushed out.
Is your bleed screw the at the highest point of the slave cylindar? If not
there can be a bubble in there that just sits there (at the top) while you
push fluid through.
A alternitive is that the "New" master cylindar is not doing the job. This
is my last choice. Really check for air trapped in the system first.
Tom Howard.
At 05:25 PM 1/16/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm embarrassed that I'm having to ask this, but I've just spent all day
>trying to bleed my TR6 clutch hydraulics and have been unsuccessful. I've
>done this simple task a number of times over the years and have never had
>this much trouble. I've just installed a new master cylinder as the old one
>was shot. I did not replace the slave cylinder since it appears fine. I
>flushed a significant amount of fluid through to flush the impurities out
>before I closed the bleed screw. Then I began bleeding the system with the
>traditional bleed tube in a glass jar full of hydraulic fluid. I am getting
>no air bubbles through the bleed tube anymore, but the clutch peddle has
>little resistance and is not actuating the clutch. If the job is done right
>and all goes well, how long does it take to get the air out? Maybe there is
>some obvious thing I've overlooked. I hope so. Thoughts?
>Thanks, Greg
>76 TR6
>68 MGB/GT
Tom Howard
'72 GT6 (and a good bit of USA iron)
Lakeside Union School District