I'm embarrassed that I'm having to ask this, but I've just spent all day
trying to bleed my TR6 clutch hydraulics and have been unsuccessful. I've
done this simple task a number of times over the years and have never had
this much trouble. I've just installed a new master cylinder as the old one
was shot. I did not replace the slave cylinder since it appears fine. I
flushed a significant amount of fluid through to flush the impurities out
before I closed the bleed screw. Then I began bleeding the system with the
traditional bleed tube in a glass jar full of hydraulic fluid. I am getting
no air bubbles through the bleed tube anymore, but the clutch peddle has
little resistance and is not actuating the clutch. If the job is done right
and all goes well, how long does it take to get the air out? Maybe there is
some obvious thing I've overlooked. I hope so. Thoughts?
Thanks, Greg
76 TR6