Hi List!
In 12-30-98 TR Digest List was a thread that stated that one should
install the ring "3 inches down the cyl. sleeve", according to Haynes
Manual. In my TR4 & TR4/A Bentley Manual on P.110 about 3/4 of the way
down it states:
GAP First insert the ring into the liner, then use a pistion to push
the ring squarely down to a point 1/4" (6mm.) from the Top. Measuer the
gap with feeler gauges (Fig #35).
Then it refers you to a chart that gives you the specs. One of them
being .010-.015". Haynes is to state: [I don't own a Haynes Manual,
but On the TR List it was stated], 3" down the cylinder & Bentley
states: 1/4" down the cyl. Question: 1)Which one is correct? 2)How can
one read the measurement accurtly 3" Down? 3)Is it posibal that 1/4"
down is the Top of the stroke & 3" down is the bottom of the stroke?
4)If that's the case, Then shouldn't the top ring be measured 1/4" down
& the bottom ring be measured 3" down? 5) What's the demention: a- down
the cyl to be measured?, & b- the gap of the second ring? or Do you just
"GUES-TA-MATE" the measurements within the Gap ranges?
By The Way (BTW)- Jack Brooks gave the advice on "Gapping" that I had
received off this TR List back in the summer of '98 when this topic was
mentioned before. -Cosmo