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Re: Archive Removal (VTR/Stag Digest/Triumphs)

To: "Jeffrey A. Campbell" <>
Subject: Re: Archive Removal (VTR/Stag Digest/Triumphs)
From: Glenn Merrell <>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 10:48:10 -0700
Cc: Mark J Bradakis <>, "Streeter, Ken" <>, "Welty, Richard" <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, vtr@Autox.Team.Net, vtr-chapters@Autox.Team.Net,, Andrew Matheson <>, Mike Digdon <>, Chris Thornhill <>
Organization: Freelance Consulting <
References: <>
Hello Jeffery,
        Thank you for the explanation posted to the list about the archives' 
and the amount of other list search functions you perform for other automotive
list owners.  The search utilities had been received very well.  If you do
receive express permission from the list owners, please let us know which owners
have given their permission, and what lists will again be ready for searching.
It is mu wish and hope to see the search engine up again in the near future.

To All the List Subscribers:

        Since Core Networks was interested in performing this free service for 
hobbyiest group, and knowing how busy the list owners can be, I took the liberty
of requesting to see a test of the archives search ability.  After a long
discussion with Jeffery and Angela, I alone determined that Core Networks had
adequate safeguards to protect the information, and with Jeffery being a fellow
Triumph enthusiast himself, felt confident this was a good step in the positive
direction to further our information resource for Triumphs.  I then notified the
list owners by e-mail (several times), letting them know all the details, what
to expect, requesting that they contact Core Networks to give express permission
once they tired the service, and finally, my promise that if there was the least
bit of dissention or disagreement from any of the list owners, that the archive
search would be "gone, history, kaput, nixed, out-a-here".  
        The dissention has been expressed, and it is a very valid concern from 
a list
owner who must endure several hundred Triumph owners very pointed opinions in
the e-mail about receiving unwanted e-mail spam and advertisements from various
solicitors.  In keeping with my word to the list owners, all is restored with no
real damage done except some ruffled feathers, but the fruit has been tasted. 
Like I told Jeffery, sometimes a Triumph (owner) needs several jump starts to
get going!

Glenn's Commentary:

        I am not one to stand by and do nothing when something needs doing.  
I'm a
"identify the problem and fix it now" person.  As a long time Triumph
enthusiast, mechanic, and hobbiest, I well understand the frustration trying to
locate information about a particular problem or part location.  The internet is
absolutely the prime resource for obtaining this information, as printed
periodicals just can not supply the wealth of information on hard copy format,
in the click of a button, or for free.  I would hope that the list owners would
allow the fruit of their hobby labor to be shared as openly and freely as
possible between all owners and enthusiasts.  That labor being the collection of
great information in one public location for the public benefit of the
        The NET has been doing a rather nice job of policing itself with the 
regard to
spammers and mass mailers.  Browsers have become more configurable to allow mail
containing certain link, header, subject or body text to be immediately
discarded.  My junk e-mail has depeated to only one or less on average a day,
where before I was receiving literally hundreds (notwithstanding some of the
stuff I read here, at hem!).  The real problems occur when a large piece of spam
gets into the mailing list and everybody hits the "REPLY TO ALL RECIPIENTS" as
opposed to deleting the crap.

        In closing, make your opinions known whether this is the type of 
service is
what you like to see.  TEAM DOT NET is the largest database of Triumph
information anywhere.  There are other ways of searching it, but it means that
either the list owner must do the work and provide a search engine for us to
use,  all in his spare time as a hobby effort, or, that each of us maintain
copies of the archives and build our own search utilities.  A list owner can
easily put 40 hours or more a week just maintaining the list.  

        Core Networks provides a tool that appears to be professionally thought
through, properly administrated by professionals, one of which is a fellow
Triumph enthusiast.  In my assessment of Core Networks ability, we collectively
have no worries about major outside interference from spammers and mass
e-mailers.  I thank them in this public forum for the time, effort and resources
to show us what can, and WILL be.  

I hold no private or public interests in Core Networks (but maybe I should...)

Heralding all a Triumphant New Year!

Glenn  Merrell
Triumph Stag Register USA VP
*Member of:
*"Keep Your Stag Cool, Install a NEW Composite Cowl Today"
*See it at the site below:
*REGISTER YOUR STAG on the STAG DATABASE (courtesy of Dave Sims):
*Support your Local and National Triumph Clubs
*Vintage Triumph Register membership inquiry's:
*Andrew Mace, President
*Triumph Stag Club, USA membership inquiry's to:
*Bruce Krobusek, President
*Mike Coffey, Chairman; VTR Stag Vehicle Consultant
*Triumph Stag Register UK membership inquiry's to:
*Mike Wattam, Chairman

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