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more power...(Triumphs et al)

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: more power...(Triumphs et al)
From: "Shawn Loseke" <SLoseke@vines.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 98 8:31:47 -0700
 With the resurgence of the more power topic and engine swaps...  The 
latest edition of Triumph World is out. For those of you that haven't seen 
it. This issue spotlights a couple of engine swap cars. One is a 1971 MkIV 
Spitfire that has been converted to a convertible GT6 on anabolic steroids. 
It has a Tri-carb 2.5 litre worked over engine. The owner is claiming 0-60 
in 6 seconds and a top speed around 135mph. This article does go into 
detail on the swap for all of you Herald based car owners out their 
salivating for TR power.   :-)     According to the article, this same set 
up (or one similar) was even theorized by the factory. The project was 
stopped because it was though that such a beast would have hurt the sales 
of the TR range. Of course this makes one think. If they could have 
developed the Herald based Sports Cars into the TR range? How much further 
could the TR range have been developed? 

 Stag owners are not forgotten either, for there is also a highly modified 
Stag in this issue. It has so many upgrades, it would be hard to list them 
all here. 

 All of the above articles plus the rest of this wonderful magazine. (No 
financial interest...)

Shawn Loseke
1972 TR6

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