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Re: Thanks and A Merry Christmas

To: "Paige, Dean" <>
Subject: Re: Thanks and A Merry Christmas
From: Glenn Merrell <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 13:07:10 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Freelance Consulting <
References: <2192E16AE5DED111A1A500A0C95FBF49245E07@WEB>
Hello Deano and All,

        Woah, am I impressed, a Triumph owner that really understands!  Thanks 
for the great blessing.

Happy Holydays, Winter Solstice, and a Happy Motoring New Year (Ceasers
Calendar) to all.

Glenn  Merrell
Triumph Stag Register USA VP
*Member of:
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*Mike Wattam, Chairman

"Paige, Dean" wrote:
> Christmas certainly is the celebration of the birth of Christ but the
> celebration at the Winter Solstice precceds Christ by millenia and was (is)
> a celebration of the changing of the seasons, a time of rebirth for all the
> myriad life of earth. The Christians co-opted the previous Celtic and Pagan
> feasts in an attempt to replace them in the minds and hearts of the
> unbelievers with Christian rites. The theme of death and rebirth however
> remained. Some of us still celebrate the older rites of this good earth.
> While Christ certainly existed there is no evidence that he was born on
> December 25... there is ample evidence to the contrary. Lets not forget
> along the way that Hanukkah and Ramadan also are celebrated at the time of
> the Solstice. And while Christ was certainly a great a prophet and may be
> Lord and Savior to some this is certainly not true for most of the people of
> earth.  So for me I wish you all, regardless of belief, Happy Holydays and
> the rebirth represented in the changing of the seasons. May the sun again
> soon warm the frozen lands, may your crops thrive in the returning warmth
> and may your 1999 harvest be rich with the fruits of this world. May your
> families live long, may your friends be ever true, and may we all be blessed
> by Allah, God, Yaweh, Shiva.
> May the return of the sun find you with Triumph top down with the wind in
> your hair and a song of praise in your hearts. It is truly a wonderful life.
> For whatever reason you celebate, may it involve family and friends and
> lovers.
> The seasons best
> Deano
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, December 20, 1998 12:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Thanks and A Merry Christmas
> Thanks to all you listers for you help and advice.  Wanted to wish all of
> you
> a very merry Christmas, not forgetting the reason for the season, the birth
> of
> Christ our Lord and Saviour.  Take a few moments and reflect on God's
> greatest
> gift.
> Happy holidays!

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