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Re: Pertronix vs. Crane Ignition question

To: George Richardson <>
Subject: Re: Pertronix vs. Crane Ignition question
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 15:27:30 -0500
Cc: Triumph news group <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: BRIT Inc.
References: <>
George Richardson wrote:
> I have just one further little inquiry to make regarding these two
> electronic ignition systems. For those of you who actually own (or have
> owned) either of them:
> Can they be opened for service?

  The Pertronix is sealed in epoxy and could not
really be opened. The Crane might be able to be
opened, if required, but no promises you would be able
to identify or source any bits inside.
> The Crane seems big enough for it, and the Pertronix seems too small for
> it, but I'd like to know. I plan to have my car long after the warranty
> on the ignition system expires, and possibly long after the manufacturer
> no longer makes the unit.

  I don't really understand the concern though. You aren't
making any real modifications to the car, so I don't understand
the panic that "if I buy one I have to be able to maintain it
for 100 years".

  It should last a long time, but if it breaks, it's not like
it hurts the car. Buy another system that is available at
the time, or go back to points if you have to.

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933

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