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Re: POR15

To: Mark Milotay <>
Subject: Re: POR15
From: "M. Secrest" <>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 18:32:05 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Up With Everything
References: <>
Mark Milotay wrote:
> I used it this summer to deal with some superficial rust caused by paint
> shedding from a leaking master cylinder. I figured that while I am treating
> one little spot I might as well do the whole area behind the dash/firewall
> on my Spit. It was very effective & I am quite happy with it. I would
> definitely recommend it to my fellow listers. The fact that it 'toughens'
> up in the presence of moisture makes me even more happy with it. 

I second that.  It is a good product, and particularly useful for situations
where, say, a floorpan is "half gone" -- too much metal still left to consider
replacement, but enough rust that stripping it to bare metal would be 
A few caveats, though -- don't let it dry anywhere you don't want it, because
it is extremely tenacious.  If it dries on your skin, for instance, you have
to wait until it wears off.  You also have to carefully time the application
of the second coat, putting it on while the first is still tacky, or you'll
have to wet sand.  Generally, I prefer using Corroless for these reasons.

Martin Secrest
72 TR6
73 GT6

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