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Re: Sorry

Subject: Re: Sorry
From: "Johnny Storm: International racing car driver" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 17:06:12 +0000 (GMT)
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
> In a message dated 98-12-01 09:31:07 EST, writes:
> > Anyway, in the words of Gary Glitter(perhaps not the best person to
> >  mimic these days as he's an alledged kiddy fiddler) '

 Isn't it ironic that this should come to light, what with the famous 
rhyming slang (not strictly cockney) "To take it up the Gary". I suppose 
it was just destiny.:-)

> Welcome back Rich.  Things should pick up now with you and Johnny S. on board.
> Was getting a bit dull at times.  (For those of you who don't know these guys
> - hang on - You will).  Again - welcome back.

  The man kelly is truly an angel although I'm afraid that I'll have 
reserve total judgement as I don't feel i can trust anyone with a 
slightly irish background, not after my detention under the prevention of 
terrorism act 2 weeks previous!!!!! (Not a joke!)

  Tra for now, Johnny

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