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Re: List Etiquette

Subject: Re: List Etiquette
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 15:00:32 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Thanks, Art!  :^)

Joe wrote:
> THIS IS NOT A FLAME.  Please don't flame back.  Just a note about the list.  I
> have been on this list for 4 years.  Great folks and great info.  Last night a
> few other guys and I were talking about what has been happening lately.  This
> topic was addressed about 2 years ago and things did get better.
> I'm talking about acknowledgement when someone spends time researching a
> question or coming up with a solution to a problem sent to the list.  Example,
> I spent two hours the other day researching a question.  After I sent the
> answer I never even got an acknowledgement that it was received - never mind a
> "thanks".
> I know of two guys who were really helpful in the past who got off the list
> for that very reason.
> So a gentle reminder.  Even if I enjoy doing this - Appreciation is always
> appreciated.   (My mother was right).  It doesn't take much to click on
> "reply" and type "Thanks."  Cheers.
> Art Kelly

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