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Re: Hard clutch pedal TR4A

To: Peter <>, Russell Messersmith <>, Triumphs List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Hard clutch pedal TR4A
From: "Michael Thompson" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:14:07 -0500
Hi All,
We had a GT6 that seemed like the clutch was bad. The pedal would not come
back up off the floor.
The fix was to oil the pedal pivot.
Hope it's that simple
Mike Thompson

>From: Peter <>
>To: "Russell Messersmith" <>, "Triumphs List"
>Subject: Re: Hard clutch pedal TR4A
>Date: Tue, Nov 24, 1998, 12:04 PM

>One suggestion I have is to not have your foot on the pedal at stop lights.
>The pedal is meant to be depressed only for that instant when you are
>changing gears. Use neutral and the brake pedal. Saves lots of wear and
>tear on lots of parts.
> Second, is this a recent change in feel? Or is this the way it's been
>since you've owned the car?
>Peter C
>At 08:48 AM 11/24/98 -0600, Russell Messersmith wrote:
>>I hope some one can help me with this question.   I a 1967 TR4A and am
>>experiencing what I feel is a very hard clutch pedal.  It takes a lot of
>>pressure to push the pedal to the floor (about 20-30 lbs.). This seems
>>quite hard to me, it is difficult to get a smooth start and quite
>>uncomfortable in heavy traffic sitting at stop lights.  The pedal seems to
>>spring back very hard and fast.  I had a TR3 many years ago and do not
>>remember the clutch being this way.  This is so bad that my wife can't
>>drive this car.  I have talked to Moss tech help but they did not have an
>>answer.  My local British car garage says that is the way it should be(I
>>bought the car there).  Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated. 
>>Russ Messersmith 
>>1967 TR4A CT69453L
>>1966 Mustang Coupe
>Peter Caldwell
>MGC-GT  , 100-4, '31 MM8 Cammy, Innocenti S,
>'52 Champ, '60 L-R 109 SW, 3 '64-73 L-R 88's
>Contact for: The Columbia County Bonspiel
> Curling on 13 sheets at 5 clubs in WI
>   Feb. 5 - 7 1999

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