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TR4 Wire Wheel for sale (will fit other models)

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: TR4 Wire Wheel for sale (will fit other models)
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 01:26:41 EST
Last time to the list.  Next stop E-bay and if nothing there - then to the

In a message dated 98-11-04 11:47:05 EST, I wrote:

>   I have an original TR4 60 spoke, painted wire wheel for sale.  The wheel
>  "true," the splines are good, and the paint has a only a few small chips in
>  Overall - I estimate it to be in "very good" condition.  It would be 
>  excellent for a spare and could be used for a driving wheel.
>  Reason I am selling it is that I replaced four of my five original wire
>  wheels about 4 years ago.  (We won't go into the reasons why my "other half
>  balked at 5 vs 4 wheels then).   At that time, I took the best of the 
> original  5 wheels and put it in the trunk as a spare.  I needed to use that
> last  Sunday when I had a flat.  That wheel for sale looks and works fine.
>  Yesterday I ordered a 5th new wheel (Dayton WW from TRF).  I only ordered a
>new wheel because "usually" I rotate all 5 wheels when I do a tire rotation
and I >want them to be exactly the same.  New Dayton painted 60 spoke wire
wheels go for $200 each.  I don't want that much.  Make me an offer if you
need (or want ) a wire wheel.  Cheers.

>  Art Kelly

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