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72 TR6 head spec

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: 72 TR6 head spec
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:48:30 +1000
Hi Listers

Seeing Brian Rickers posting re TR6 rebuild questions nade me think about
some head work I want to get done on my 72 TR6.  The issue is what is the
specification of the head I have on my car and this is where I am seeking
some advice from listers.

My engine number is in the mid 79s i.e. CC79XXXUE (sorry I don't have the
car close by).  Build Number CC80XXX.  Head Number 217388.  Questions are
for those who may have cars around these numbers and who have had the heads

a)   Is this a 7.75 head?
b)   If so how much meat comes off to raise it to 9.25 - 9.5?
c)   does it have the smaller valves in it?


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