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Re: Bentley vs. Factory manuals

To: "Theodore R. Stevens" <>
Subject: Re: Bentley vs. Factory manuals
From: "M. Secrest" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 19:15:04 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Up With Everything
References: <>
Theodore R. Stevens wrote:
> Am I missing something?  I see lots of folks saying they're planning on
> buying (or have bought) the Bentley manual at $60+.  The real factory
> manual is available *lots* cheaper (I recently bought mine for $25 or so
> from TRF, arrived in 2 days).
> Is the format of the Bentley reprint somehow easier to use?  Is the
> inclusion of the owner's manual (reprints available from the Big Three for
> about $14) that valuable?
> ---
> Ted Stevens
> digest subscriber
> 74 TR6          Gaithersburg, MD

The format of the Bentley absolutely is NOT easier to use!
The Bentley manual I have for my GT6 is a
pain the a**!  I frankly don't see why people rave about them,
except that it does contain SOME extra information -- if somehow you
can find it.  My Bentley also alleges to cover my GT6-3, but I
am often finding that it actually addresses only earlier models.

Gentlemen prefer Haynes.


Martin in Arlington, VA

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