The repair is pretty simple...
With a grinder, grind the welds where the bracket meets the frame, and
along side the welds along the long sides. You might have to cut off the
upper part to get to the weld where the square parts welds to the upper
surface of the frame. And you may have to sacrifice the "gusset", if you
have them on your car... I can't tell from the picture.
Either way, when you weld everything back together, get the gussets as
described in the TRF catalog... They really do help avoid the problem where
the brackets crack in half or cracking along the welds.
The only tough part regarding re-assembly is that you need to be sure that
you set the bracket square to the frame - AND - with the same backspace
from the lip of the frame as the other bracket for that side... if you
don't do this correctly, you could cause some wierd castor problems that
may be tough to fix.
A competant welder should be able to do this job satisfactorily. Note: this
is a safety issue, be ready to have someone else do the work in the
interest of yours and others' safety.... please.