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RE: trailers... and show winners

To: "'fred thomas'" <>
Subject: RE: trailers... and show winners
From: "Gambony, Jim" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 15:38:35 -0600 charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

>From the VTR website    (  here is an
excerpt of the concours rules:

     2.1 SENIOR CLASS: Any car which has won one (1) First Place Award in
Concours (Not Participants Choice) MAY enter Senior Class. After
     two (2) First Place Awards he/she MUST enter Senior Class. Senior Class
will be judged against the score sheet only. A score of 350 points or
     better is required to receive the Senior Award. After winning a Senior
Award the car must be entered in Preservation Class if the owner wishes to
     pursue Concours. There can be any number of Senior Awards at any

          2.1.1 PRESERVATION AWARD: If the owner wishes to pursue concours
after having obtained one Senior Award, the car shall be
          entered for a Preservation Award. The scoring shall be the same as
for Senior except that a score of 365 points shall be required for the
          awarding of a Preservation Award. Preservation Award cars must be
preregistered. There shall be no limit to the number of Preservation
          Awards that a given automobile may win. 

As you can see, the "finished" restorations that are tops in their class are
moved into Senior class after no more than two first place awards in the
regular class.  I'm not going to say that all the Senior class and
Preservation Award cars are trailer queens as I know of several that are
DRIVEN to the event and driven during the event.

And VTR does have the requirement that all participants in the National
Concours must also be driven in at least one event.  Trust me, that rule is

As tough as it is to face trailer queens when you're trying to get your car
ready for a local show, some of the "driven to the show" people are as bad
or worse in terms of being pleasant to be around (or not).  I've seen some
setups where the participants actually drive the car to the convention, and
then spend all their spare time polishing/washing/cleaning/etc.  To the
point where you can't walk past their setup without tripping on the hoses or
supplies.  And heaven help you if you don't like their inspirational music!

Separating the cars into trailered/driven just means that there will be some
who mis-represent their trailered cars as having been driven to the show.
How can that rule be truly enforced?

Anyway, try to make one of the VTR conventions, either Regional or National.
You'll be pleased you did.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: fred thomas []
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 1998 3:38 PM
> To:   Bowen, Patrick A. RP2
> Cc:
> Subject:      Re: trailers
> Bowen, Patrick A. RP2 wrote:
> > 
> > >From what I am familiar with in other car shows.  Trailered cars are
> judged
> > separately from drive-in cars, I think that keeps the playing field a
> > little more level.
> > 
> > Patrick Bowen
> > 
> > At 08:57 AM 11/6/98 -0600, Smith, Brian wrote:
> > >The British car club in Memphis TN. did something similar quite a few
> years
> > >ago.  As far as I has worked out very well.
> > >
> > >Brian H. Smith
> > >1959 TR3
> > >1972 Spitfire IV
> > >1977 TR7
> > >Lake Charles, LA
> > >
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From:        fred thomas []
> > >> Sent:        Thursday, November 05, 1998 8:03 PM
> > >> To:
> > >> Cc:
> > >> Subject:     trailers
> > >>
> > >> Listers,just my .02 FWIW dept., the hobby needs the trailered cars as
> > >> well as the drivers, as well as the under const., all are needed to
> keep
> > >> this very fine hobby to be able to continue it's growth the way it
> has
> > >> the past few years. Some tinkering now needs to be instituted into
> the
> > >> rules to keep a level show field for everyone involved. When a car is
> > >> judged in concours and wins his class in same, then he should be
> forever
> > >> entered in a veterans class with all past winners. The AACA does this
> in
> > >> three different stages always moving the car up until it is finally
> > >> retired from judging and then just shown. I would like to sight a
> recent
> > >> example of what I am refering too, and I quote, " this trailered car
> was
> > >> restored ten years ago and now has 100 miles on it. The car was, is,
> and
> > >> probably will be the most perfectly restored T/R for many more years
> to
> > >> come, but how many 1st. place & "Best of Show" has this car taken,
> does
> > >> it mean anything to the owner, I think not anymore, but here is this
> one
> > >> of kind being judged in concours and given it's umpteenth "BOS" and
> 495+
> > >> points awards, is this fair to rest of the show hobbiest,AACA does
> not
> > >> think so. When a car is trailered and one is driven then a point
> spread
> > >> needs to be established for both cars. When you work so long and so
> hard
> > >> to attain a level of showing a concours car, you do not need a car
> > >> entered that does the same thing ten times a year for ten years and
> still
> > >> gets the same awards. A retired veterans class needs to be establised
> > >> that encourages more and more people to enter their cars in all the
> shows
> > >> and still try harder to improve, but not against a long time veteran
> and
> > >> the very best in the country.
> > >
> > Patrick Bowen
> > '79 Spitfire
> > Jacksonville FL
> I have never seen this happen, even though I think that is the way it 
> should be. Biggest problem is how many cars will be in the trailered 
> class ? Not many, but enough. Then what happens to the nice concerned 
> person who parks two blocks away and drives up for a entry into the 
> driving class.

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