Be sure not to stike the konockoffs while the wheels are on the ground.
This can damage and loosen your spokes. I find that a copper mallet always
works for me, you may want to try that. It's hard enough not to deform too
much, but it won't mark up the crome either.
Gook luck!
Mike Francis
At 11:56 AM 10/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm trying to get the chrome, two eared knock-offs removed from my TR4's
>wire wheels. I've gone through two rubber mallets. Then made a mess of
>kindling by placing 8 inch lengths of 2x2's on the ear and then hitting the
>2x2 with a 18 pound sledge. I really don't feel right moving on to plan C -
>hitting the knock-off directly with the sledge. Any one have a proven cure
>- these puppies are really on there.
>Tom Long